How does Charles Dickens creates characters which are memorable and striking in Great Expectations?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
GREAT EXPECTATIONS INTRODUCTION: In this piece of essay I am going to answer the coursework question, which is "how does Charles Dickens creates characters which are memorable and striking in Great Expectations?" I am going to refer to some of the characters in the novel and explore their characterisations, mood and tone. In addition, I will use quotations to support my ideas about the characters. The characters that I am going to use to support …

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…ybe because many people were illiterate and had the vivid novels read to them. There was no T.V and very few sources of entertainment, this might had an impact on his characterization. From page one, Dickens allows the characters and their inner working and feelings to present historical views and classic affecting story and that what makes Dickens very successful in describing the characters and creating a memorable and striking characters in Great Expectations.