How does Arthur Miller Capture and Sustain the Audience's Attention Through the Relationships Portrayed in 'A View from the Bridge.'

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'A View from the Bridge' is about the relationship between the Carbone family. Hey live in Redhook, Brooklyn, New York, but it is still not as poor as where Rodolfo and Marco come from. One of the main characters is Catherine, who is 17 and lives with her aunt and uncle, Beatrice and Eddie. Rodolfo and Marco are Beatrice's cousins' who have come over from Italy as illegal immigrants to make some money. Alfieri is the …

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…this point, Eddie really doesn't like Rodolfo and goes to speak to Alfieri, the lawyer ,and talks the whole matter through. The relationship between Eddie and Catherine is falling apart because she loves Rodolfo and Eddie hates him. By the end of Act 1, Marco has 'challenged' Eddie by lifting the chair, when Eddie can't. The relationship between Catherine and Eddie, after the arrival of Rodolfo, deteriorates to such a point that it is almost non-existent.