How do traditional conservatism and neoconservatism differ?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
It is difficult to explain the ideology of conservatism as it can take on many forms; authoritarian, religious, libertarian and one-nation to name but a few. Many conservatives argue that conservatism is not an ideology at all but rather a political persuasion. Because of the broad spectrum of ideas that can all be called conservatism, this essay will deal with the basis of conservative theory that is common to most forms of the 'ideology'. Neoconservatism, …

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…Linberg, T. 'The Referendum on Neoconservatism', The Weekly Standard, 8th November 2004, Vol. 10, Issue 8. McLean, I. & McMillan, A. 2003, Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford. North, G. 2003, 'An Introduction to Neoconservatism', Accessed 5th April 2005 from Raimondo, J. 2003, 'Neoconservatives-What And Who They Are', <Tab/>Accessed 25 April 2005 from <Tab/>