How do Beckett and Kafka convey the imprisonment of the main characters in Waiting for Godot and Metamorphosis ?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
How do Beckett and Kafka convey the imprisonment of the main characters in Waiting for Godot and Metamorphosis ? In relation to the works Waiting for Godot and Metamorphosis, imprisonment can either be collective imprisonment or personal imprisonment. In both cases, it includes the restriction of personal freedom, the limitation of action and the deprivation of human contact. My objective is to investigate in what ways Beckett and Kafka convey the imprisonment of the main characters, …

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…a personal level. In fact, all of Vladimir's and Estragon's words and actions are directed at enduring the cycle qualitity of their lives, whereas Gregor is confronted with a major barrier which excludes him from family life and equally imprisons him. This barrier emerges in the form of failed communication, generating misunderstandings and eventually causing the total imprisonment of Gregor. However, the writers share a common trait in their confinement of characters to one setting.