How did the war end for the US? How did war end for the Vietnamese? How was this possible?

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
During the 1060?-1975, there was a war called Vietnam War. It was a major war between the US and Vietnam. But as a result, the North Vietnamese defeated the US and united Vietnam. But how was this possible? And how did the war end for both countries? The Vietnam War was a useless war for the US. The aim of US involvement into the Vietnam War was contains spreading of communism but the consequence of …

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…had reached agreement with Le Duc Tho, leader of the North Vietnamese delegation at Paris in 1972. Therefore the ceasefire and withdrawal from Vietnam realized. After the US's withdrawal, the North Vietnam defeated the South, and so, Vietnam were united. In conclusion, from above reasons, the US had decided to withdraw from South Vietnam, thus, North Vietnam could win in this War. However, the US was defeated, but they must learned something important from Vietnam War.