How did the problems in Germany make people support Hitler in 1923?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
After World War One, Germany was in the worst condition. A new republic had formed. The Weimar Republic formed in 1919 was already facing many, many problems. Although attempts for solutions were made, it did not do much. Germany at the time faced invasions, inflations, poor control, rebellions and many other conflicts within the country itself. The Right-wingers hated the Weimar Republic because they accepted the disgraceful treaty. These problems eventually led to the uprising of …

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…be. He gained support because he tried to solve Germany's problems and he stood by Germany when she was in need. Hitler gained power out of the horrible times in Germany. He used his talent of speaking along with the problems in Germany to gain support for himself. The problems were a major impact on his gain of support, without them Hitler might have been just a regular person and not a history changing dictator.