How did the civil rights movement and anti-Vietnam campaigns impact society and law enforcement during the 1960s and 1970s?

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Starting with the Free Speech Movement in 1964, college and university students massed in numbers to speak about their rights and what they wanted to see done in the world. The civil rights movement founded by Martin Luther King Jr., wanted peaceful protests, but on the day of King's assassination, the biggest riot happed in the capital of the United States, Washington, D.C. Between the civil rights movement and the anti-Vietnam protests, the only people …

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…real world, diversity is stepping up to the plate. Officers are being given a chance to grow with society in our ever changing communities and meeting the constant demand that we as a society place on them. Police officers are seen in a different light given the circumstances and the area, but overall, society can see the change. Reference: Johnson, H. & Wolfe, N. (2003). History of Criminal Justice. Anderson Publishing Co., Third edition. Pg. 298, 300