How did the Prohibition Change the United States of America (USA)? And why was it a failure?

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Essay Database > History
The word "Prohibition" as stated in the World Book encyclopaedia "refers to laws that are designed to prevent the drinking of alcoholic beverages." The enforcement of the Volstead Act in the United States of America (USA) saw the nationwide beginning of the prohibition on the 16th of January 1920. The Prohibition brought about a change in attitude for the people of the United States (USA). It caused an extreme rise in crime; encouraging everyday people to …

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…it." American (USA) society has never really recovered from the effects of Prohibition, it has never returned to the moral standards once held as a nation. On a whole the Prohibition was one of the greatest mistakes made in the USA during the 1920's. Overall the Prohibition was a failure that should not have been enforced at all, let alone in a decade [The Roaring Twenties] where rapid change was taking place on its own.