How did sister/mother frances xavier cabrini influence others in order to meet her goal.

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Essay Database > History
"Let us not shirk, and dream, and wait to help His children who are this moment in pain, in want, crushed and avandoned by the society of men." These are simple, yet powerful words by one woman who was not afraid to make the world a better place and make herself a better person. Side by side with business capacities, Sister Frances Zavier Cabrini colled forth unstintind admiration, a practical knowledge of building and of …

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…wcourage and ability were like a shining light.' WORKS CITED Catholic Information Network. Frances Xavier Cabrini, 1850-1917. 5, February 2003. Delaney, John J., Dictionary of Saints. Doubleday& Company Inc.:Garden City, New York. 1980. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. 5, February 2003. Saint Cabrini. 4, February 2003. Thompkins, Vincent. American Decades, 1900-1909. Detroit, Gale Publishing, 1996. Vol.1. of American Decades. 10 vols. 1900-1989