How can a criminal record affect your life?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
How can a criminal record affect your life? What is a criminal record? A criminal record is a document that lists a person's criminal and penal convictions pronounced by the courts of Canada in accordance with federal laws such as the Criminal Code of Canada. However, violating a traffic rule of the Quebec Highway Safety Code is not a criminal offence and would not result in a criminal record. In fact, offences to provincial penal …

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…Furthermore, a file will exist even in cases where the person was found not-guilty in court. Criminal convictions listed on a criminal record often stigmatize a person. Not long ago, a person's criminal record stayed with him for life. Today, however, you can obtain a pardon for your offences. To do so, you must demonstrate your best behavior and avoid any criminal convictions for a specified period of time after you have served your sentence.