How are we made to feel sympathy for the creature "Frankenstein"?

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Kenneth Branagh's "Frankenstein" is a film adaptation of the 18th century Gothic novel by Mary Shelley. In this film adaptation the overall genre is Horror. Frankenstein is commonly thought of as being a monster in contrast in this adaptation Frankenstein is actually the creator. In comparison to other Adaptations Frankenstein is allied as being a monster. I will be investigating why we as the audience, feel sympathy for the Creation. Firstly before we actually see …

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…being a monster shows the contrast between people's opinions. With several movies showing the creature as a monster just this single film makes us as an audience question our views and opinions about the creature. The techniques used in this film are so powerful that they change the opinion of the audience with ease. The director uses several techniques to change the audience's opinions about the creature. Making us feel constant sympathy for the creature.