How appropriate is the term 'cultural revolution' to describe the events of 'the long sixties' (c. 1958-c.1974).

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The 'long sixties' were for many a release from the oppression and formality that had dominated the West since World Wars I and II. It was also a period of discovery and transformation in many areas, including religion and science and was as I aim to demonstrate a period of historical significance. Before exploring what made the 'long sixties' such an important time I feel it necessary to define what is meant by the term …

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…do, females could do too.' So womens involvement in science during this period really couild be said to have revolutionised certain aspects of scientific research. Science at large in the Western world has been transformed since the sixties in terms of what it is deemed ethical to do in the name of research, we need only look to the arguments that rage today regarding the production of 'designer babies' to see this is true.