How and why has the relationship within the UK between politicians and judges changed over the last 30 years?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
The gradual process of overlap between the roles of judges and ministers has occurred is a corollary to understanding the reasons as to why this has happened. In particular I shall be focusing on the relationship between judges and politicians over the last 30 years till present day. My discussions will inevitably refer more broadly to members of the judiciary and the executive (the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and other ministers) and an analysis of their …

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…be more clearly defined, making the judiciary and executive more transparent and increasing public confidence. Over the past few decades there has been a significant amount of interplay between these two branches, often attracting much publicity and sometimes controversy. It seems that despite the attempt to separate them, the influences of EU law in many aspects of public administration will result in the judiciary having a greater role in the governmental process and vice versa.