How and Why Did American Popular Culture Influence Australian Society in the 1950s and 1960s?

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Essay Database > History
During the 1950s-1960s Australia's popular culture was heavily influenced by American culture, trends and images. The 50s and 60s was the era of Rock 'n' Roll, Hippies, Rebellious teenagers, and drugs. These themes were all part of America's culture and were portrayed to the rest of the world as important elements of American culture. These important elements of culture heavily influenced the growing nation of Australia - particularly during this period. Teenagers were the …

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…it became more and more like America without even realizing. Nowadays, in our multicultural society, it is difficult to stereotype a particular country as every country now influences countries across the globe. Popular culture in mega countries such as Australia, Great Britain and America is now very similar, because many companies and trends can easily spread across the globe due to better communication, although these countries are not without an individual and unique popular culture.