How Was Math Used In Building The Great Pyramid

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Abstract The Egyptians have had many great wonders. One of these wonders are pyramids. Because this was an ancient wonder, many people believe that the Egyptians didn't use any math but only used logic and reason to build pyramids. If this is true, then how did they build the Great Pyramid? They used simple math to make such a great pyramid. They used the Pythagorean Theorem, trigonometry and simple algebra. They also measured the angle …

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…had learned a great deal of advanced math by the time of Khufu. Egyptians taught from basic math like adding and subtracting to more advanced math like algebra and geometry. All these mathematical concepts were used to build the pyramids. As you can see that the great pyramid was not only a wonder in the sense that it was huge, but also in the sense of the entire math that was involved in building it.