How The Internet has Affected the Music Industry.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
When Tim-Berners Lee dreamt up the, then, crazy idea, of an inter-global network, I'm sure very few people had the same optimism in believing that it could happen in the future. Over the last ten years, the Internet has evolved from just web pages to e-mail, to online gaming, to viewing sport and film previews, and to buying and downloading music online. The Internet has now become one of the music industry's greatest markets, estimated …

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…a monthly subscription fee. This is a new system, which will attempt to benefit everyone. So despite the early indications that all this technology would go to waste, Microsoft, the record companies and Internet companies seem to have sorted themselves out. The Internet may have once been a huge enemy for the music industry, but it seems like the Internet is now on its way to having an extremely positive affect on the music industry.