How Successful were English PM Sir 'Robert Peel's policies towards Ireland between 1841-46?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Cameron Seymour HISTORY. "How successful were Peel's policies towards Ireland between 1841-6?" Success, I this context, can be considered as: - Making the other members of the Tory party content, - Making the Public of Ireland content, In more still more detail, success can be defined by judging: - If the Irish Protestants were content, - If the Irish Catholics were content, - If the policy contradicted past opinions/ views. If Peel's policy can satisfy …

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…aristocratic but was also given according to the amount of land you owned. Overall I feel that Peel was only 15% successful in his policies towards Ireland, during the period of 1841-1846, as he didn't please his party, the monarch or even the republic of Ireland (Both religions) without major controversy. This is, in my view, a bad aspect of Peel's person, and his resignation in 1846 over a minor problem was a repercussion of all this.