How Mobile Phones Can Affect Us?

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There are millions and millions of mobile phone users around the world. However, the industry insists that emissions are too low to be hazardous. Mobile phones, both analogue and digital, use microwaves, similar to those in microwave ovens, although they are at a slightly different frequency and much lower power. The concerns stem from their closeness to heads when calls are made or received. Scientists previously assumed that energy absorbed by the head was evenly …

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…the public cannot be certain that the protective cover is doing its job. Therefore, with the knowledge that all new mobiles have a specific emission value, the public can be sure that their health is less at risk. International Journal of Radiation Biology, Vol 69, No 4, pp 513-521, An Overview of Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Studies Relevant to Wireless Communication Data, Cindy Sage, pp 1-16 Preece A W 2000, Neuroreport, Vol 1 No 2, Feb 2000+