How Internet affects small businesses

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
ISSUE *HOW INTERNET TECHNOLOGY AFFECTS SMALL BUSINESSES KEY POINTS *What is a small business? oIts importance in the overall economy oTraditional Management of small business *Evolution of Internet *Internet and Small Businesses oConditions for Small Business to Succeed in the Internet Era "XIdentification of Opportunities "XStrong Vision "XTiming "XThink Globally "XEntertaining Value of the Web Experience "XCustomer Service oAdvantages of using Internet in Small Businesses "XReduction of Communication Costs "XReduction of marketing costs and finding …

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…Sources oSBA Office of Advocacy; Small Business Economic Indicators for 2002. Available at ( March 30,2004) oE Source, Small Business Internet Use on the Rise.(Brief Article),Information Superhighways Newsletter, May, 2003.Available at: oBarry M. Leiner, A brief history on the Internet, Internet Society. Available at oMark S. Deion, The Internet as a Business Tool, Deion Associates & Strategies, Inc. Available at