How I saved a friend from an eating disorder

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
During my stay at Appalachian State University for Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics, I met many talented and outgoing students in my dorm building and became friends with them. The exciting weeks there were overshadowed by my worries for a girl who lived across the hall. She was a vibrant student whose health was endangerd by a serious eating disorder. During the duration of program, all the students dined together at the cafeteria for …

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…Appalachian State University. We stayed in contact through e-mail at the beginning of the following school year because I wanted to help her to be fully rid of the symptoms. But due to the reason of our busy schedules, the number of e-mails declined and eventually disappeared. Until this day, I regret not staying in contact with her, but I hoped she continued to eat right and was able to bring back a healthy lifestyle.