How Hubris effected Odysseus in the epic poem, the Odyssey, writen by Homer.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Hubris is excessive pride with a lofty self-respect totally apart from reality; it distorts a person's view of the world, much like a funhouse mirror. Hubris is a characteristic of the protagonist, Odysseus, in the epic poem, The Odyssey, by the blind poet Homer. The hero Odysseus is a dynamic character who, blinded by hubris, changes his perspective on life according to the positive and negative experiences he endures and overcomes during his adventure. He …

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…and bravery, but now, he gains the humility and wisdom that comes with this new understanding. This newfound wisdom, gained when he is on the brink of death, results in an even more heroic Odysseus. Now, in addition to courage, cleverness, and a sense of adventure, he also possesses humility and wisdom, gained through life experience. More importantly, he realizes his own shortcomings. The hubris is gone, and he can see the world more truthfully.