How Hamlet changes throughout the play due to his many losses.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Hamlet Throughout the course of Shakespeare's Hamlet, the main character, Prince Hamlet, is forced to overcome many devastating losses. Dealing with these hardships causes Hamlet to change during the course of the play. Hamlet's change from a peaceful to bloodthirsty man is evident through his anger over his situation, his wanting revenge, and his determination to finally get what he wants. Hamlet's peaceful life was flipped upside down very quickly. His father, King Hamlet, died, …

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…good on his promise to the ghost. His change from peaceful to aggressive was clearly seen as his anger grew, he came to his decision to get revenge, and when he finally took action. The story reveals a lot about how a character can develop throughout the play. As Hamlet's life began to change, so did he. At the end of the play, Hamlet was nothing like the way he was when things all started.