How Does WWJacobs Present An Atmosphere Of Mystery And Suspense In "The Monkeys Paw".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
WWJacobs presents an atmosphere of mystery and suspense in The Monkeys Paw. The mystery of the Monkeys Paw is a cleverly thought out story. The story had three main parts. These parts were the first wish, the second wish and the third wish. It is written in third person. Although this makes you more distant from the characters, you get a more descriptive and a broader view of what's happening. WWJacobs creates interest in the …

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…This made me, as the reader worried and apprehensive as to what was to happen. WWJacobs cleverly got you thinking whilst reading on. Overall, I found that WWJacobs' technique at the beginning was to hint at the future of the monkey's paw. He creates suspense through the character of Sergeant Major Morris. At the end you also get suspense as Herbert could come back. WWJacobs is a clever writer and I thoroughly enjoyed this story.