How Does Shakespeare Portray Love in Romeo and Juliet?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In 'Romeo and Juliet', Shakespeare portrays different aspects and types of love in many ways. The obvious love is the fateful love between Romeo and Juliet although the play also displays platonic love, maternal love and aspects of adolescent love. The first kind of love shown in the play is teenage love through Romeo. Montague tells us that "Many a morning hath he (Romeo) been seen... adding to the clouds more clouds with his deep …

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…so she died over the exile of Romeo. Shakespeare uses this to show that there were others who loved Romeo besides Juliet. In conclusion, I believe that Shakespeare intended us to mock Romeo's impetuous teenage love but admire his devotion to his friends and adoration of and devotion to Juliet. Throughout the play different forms of love develop and Shakespeare makes sure we realise that each and every kind of love is special and unique.