How Does Shakespeare Explore Nature in king Lear?

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Essay Database > Literature
William Shakespeare wrote 'King Lear' in, circa 1605, basing the play on the diverse concept of nature. Nature has several different definitions: the basic character of a person is described within their nature, animals and the physical environment around us are classed as nature, and the way in which human's react is expressed as human nature. Human nature is seen to be the expected and normal way in which to conduct yourself, behave and feel in …

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…nature using 'King Lear' as his pedestal to do so. Due to the tragic events throughout the play and the climax in the final Act it may be thought that Shakespeare's views on the nature of humans were rather bitter or cynical. Later in the play as he realizes the characters around him, Lear acts as his transmitter: "When we are born we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools." 4.6.178-9