How Do Men and Women Speak?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
How Do Men and Women Speak? <Tab/>In general, men and women do not speak using different forms of language. For example, their style of speech and their tone of voice can be different because women's speech is more pleading and quiet. In contrast, men's speech is more aggressive and demanding. That could be the case because men are often in the position of power over women. Therefore, women are oftentimes …

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…immediately below them" (401). From my experience of how my mom and dad used language differently when moving from Vietnam to America, I have come to discover that there is no such thing as sex differences in language. The only differences in the ways which males and females used languages were based on their culture and social backgrounds. Therefore, I agree with Ronald Macaulay when he writes, "...some differences in expression reflect social and cultural conditioning" (398).