How Did Hitler Gain Power?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Before Hitler was made chancellor he was nothing. He doesn't have a majority in the Reichstag until 1932. Which is when he basically starts striving and in 1933, when he was made chancellor, the Nazi went up back to around 200 chairs again. This man was considered crazy. No one likes him. He has no fame, he is an excellent speaker, but he isn't all that famous around everyone. Barely anyone supports him. From Source A taken from …

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…by giving speeches, but that wasn't his main reason. No matter what, history can not be changed and looking back at history make us think why some politicians will make such decisions. The decision that Hindenburg made was not inevitable, but he was desperate. When people are desperate they make the wrong choices. Hitler never too power or gained power, he was given power by Hindenburg. Which lead to the end of Democracy in Germany.