How Could This Have Happened?

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Essay Database > History
How Could This Have Happened? Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Jewish massacre during World War II, opens his classic autobiography, Night, in his hometown of Sighet, Transylvania (now Romania). In this short, but powerful, book, Wiesel speaks of the incredible events that take place in his life from age twelve to age sixteen; his carefree childhood; the brutal torture of Wiesel and his fellow Jews at the hands of German soldiers in the concentration …

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…the loss of a few Jews might clean up the world? Or was it that no one paid enough attention, or cared enough to find out what was happening because then they might have to try to do something about it. I have no answers, only questions. I can only hope that I will pay attention to what is happening around me so that something like this is never forgotten or allowed to happen again.