How Close Is The Relationship Between Social Deprivation and Crime?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
How Close Is The Relationship Between Social Deprivation and Crime? Poverty is generally regarded as absolute deprivation. Poverty is defined as the lack of some fixed level of material goods necessary for survival and minimal well-being. Areas that rank high on measures of deprivation, such as high unemployment, low levels of income and poor quality accommodation, are often characterised by high levels of crime and disorder. This is because some individuals respond to the conditions …

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…drugs misuse is a huge contributor towards crime. A person's race, age and gender can also be a factor concerning whether or not they commit a crime. As there is a higher crime rate for Pakistanis than there is Indians. It has been proven that males are far more inclined to commit a crime than females. Also 15-35 year olds are more responsible for crimes committed than 50-70 year olds. So although social deprivation does .......