"How Angels Fall": Book Report, Review, and Summary on Walter Dean Myers' book

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Essay Database > History > North American History
"Fallen Angels" by Walter Dean Myers is the story of several black soldiers' lives during the Vietnam War. Richie Perry, Lobel, Johnson, Brunner, and Pewee have come to Vietnam to accomplish their own personal goals, but while in Vietnam find out that they have the common goal of surviving. As the story progresses friendships and deaths affect how each character reacts to the stresses that they receive, and must fight through in Vietnam. "Fallen Angels" …

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…gives you a good insight into the workings of war, I would not recommend this book to any except to people who like war stories. Fallen Angels gives the reader a good view of what live in a war is like through the eyes of a soldier. This allows the reader to connect with Richie Perry and feel his fears and experiences, and as well as showing how wars lead to the loss of innoc