Housing and homelessness in New York

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Homelessness in America first appeared in the early 1600s with the beginning of immigration, which mainly consisted of poor people looking for a job and a place to settle. Between 1870 and 1924 millions of immigrants were coming to U.S. and cramming tenement houses. Those of them who were extremely poor and could not afford their living expenses, finally found themselves on the streets. The Great Depression of the 1930s, which brought unstableness and massive unemployment, …

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…that so many adults do not have a safe living environment in which to raise their children. New York has become a city in which the difference between the richest and the poorest has grown wider and in which prejudices of homeless people are still exist. If New York cannot overcome its biases to provide decent housing to all its citizens, it does not deserve to be known as the greatest city in the world.