Hotel Industry Analysis

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Industry Analysis Economic turns affect almost all industries around the world. In particular the hotel industry is an erratic place to be when the economy is in distress. However, if a specific company can deal with economic pressures by marketing their differentiating attributes, a hotel can survive. Furthermore, in order to become successful within this industry one must examine several outlying forces. For instance, the entry barriers to the hotel industry are relatively high. An …

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…Marriott Hotel and Resorts will be used at the brand level to provide a better understanding of the hotel market structure. Marriott hotels are compiled in a full-service, high quality, metropolitan based location, with personalized services with several competitors. A few competitors consist of the Ritz Carlton and Hilton hotels. Marriott Hotels and Resorts seem to have a good positioning strategy but with growing economic and consumer needs there may be some room to improve.