Hot Zone anylasis

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Jeffrey Boateng This more of an assignment then an essay to help people who are reading the Hot zone. Diction: choice of words Tone: The attitude of the speaker or writer as revealed in the choice of vocabulary. The Hot Zone by Richard Preston General Tones: Caution, fear, and uncertainty Example one: Once a virus hits the net, it can shoot anywhere in a day-Paris, Tokyo, New York, Los Angles, wherever planes fly. Charles Monet …

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…amp;lt;Tab/> Example ten: The monkey bounded toward her. its terrible eyes fixed on her-and the needle flashed and went into her suit...She woke up in her barracks room. (Pg 243) This is why people compare The Hot Zone to a horror novel. Preston is able to describe a scene that brings fear. A monkey with a needle is a deadly thing epically when it is angered about being in a cage.