Hospice Care

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Hospice is a concept of caring borrowed from medieval times, where travelers, pilgrims and the sick, wounded or dying could find rest and comfort. The contemporary hospice offers a program of care to patients and families facing a life threatening illness encompassing medical, nursing, spiritual, and psychological care. It is more than a medical alternative - it is an attitude toward death and the process of dying. Terminal disease is managed so that patients can …

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…Death Education, 8(5-6), 383-398. Russell, G. M. (1985) . Hospice programs and the hospice movement: An investigation based on general systems theory. Dissertation Abstracts International, 45(9), 3082. Simson, S., & Wilson, L. B. (1986) . Strategies for success: An examination of the organizational development of early hospice programs. Hospice Journal, 2(2), 19-39. World Health Organization. (1990) . Hospice Facts [On-line]. Available HTTP: www.cp-tel.net/pamnorth/facts.htm Zehnder, P. W., & Royse, D. (1999) . Attitudes toward assisted suicide: A survey of hospice volunteers. Hospice Journal, 14(2), 49-63.