"Horses of the Night" by Margaret Laurence.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Horses of the Night by Margaret Laurence -Chris (15)and Vanessa(6) -Manawaka -"I detested the fact that I was so young" -Chris creates his own fantasy world (ranch, racing horses etc.) He tries to sell magazines, vacuum cleaners even when he knows he won't make it to university. He can't face reality. Also, when there is conflict he ignores it and it seems like he doesn't even notice it. He holds a fantasy in his …

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…they are plough horses. -barrier between person and the real world when a person dreams too much -he communicates and plays with younger children because he has control and they make no judgements about him. -sells vacuum cleaners, magazines and knitting machines to university but he doesn't have the marks to get in. -without his fantasy world he would have no hope for life. -Chris takes his life to escape the "absolute unbearability of battle"