Horizon offshore Inc

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
Horizon Offshore Inc I General Information: A. Company Name <Tab/> <Tab/>Horizon Offshore Inc B Company's Industry Horizon Offshore, Inc. is a leading provider of marine construction services to the offshore oil and gas Industry. C. Choice of this company Just a friend of mine had recommended this company. D. Company trade Location Company trades at NASDAQ NM. E. The ticker symbol of the company. Ticker symbol …

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…ratio: A solvency that indicates what proportion of a company's assets is financed by debt Debt ratio = Total liabilities / Total assets = 207894 / 393584 = .53 0r 53% *<Tab/>Total liabilities to Net worth = A solvency ratio indicating the relationship between creditors claims to a company's assets and the owners claim to those assets Total liabilities to net worth = total liabilities / net worth <Tab/>83690 / 185690 = .451 The horizon has $ .451 of debt for every $1 of equity.