Hopi Indians
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > History
In the southwestern United States, above northern Arizona, are three mesas. The mesas create the home for the Hopi Indians. The Hopi have a deeply religious, isolated, tribal culture with a unique history.
The Hopi stress group cooperation. The tribe is organized around a clan system. In a clan system, all the members consider themselves relatives. The clans form a social glue that has held the Hopi villages together. Clan membership provides a singular Hopi
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reciprocation. The Hopi were simple hunter-gatherers. They hunted deer, antelope and elk. Corn, squash, beans, pine nuts, prickly pear, yucca, berries and other wild food were collected. All these possessions represented wealth because the Hopi used a barter system. To conclude, The Hopi Indians are a tribal civilization who have survived for hundreds of years. They regard themselves as the first inhabitants of America. They may also be some of most interesting inhabitants of America.
reciprocation. The Hopi were simple hunter-gatherers. They hunted deer, antelope and elk. Corn, squash, beans, pine nuts, prickly pear, yucca, berries and other wild food were collected. All these possessions represented wealth because the Hopi used a barter system. To conclude, The Hopi Indians are a tribal civilization who have survived for hundreds of years. They regard themselves as the first inhabitants of America. They may also be some of most interesting inhabitants of America.