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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Folly of Oppression Oppression is one of the most barbaric traits that humans posses. Taking advantage of a another human for some sort of gain is just plain selfish. Those who are oppressed often look weak, meek and helpless in hindsight. Yet one truth remains, throughout human history oppression has ultimately failed. That leaves the question of why. In Kate Chopin's The Awakening, Toni Morison's Beloved, John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, groups are …

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…with their own well being than the well being of others. Unfortunately, oppression and exploitation seem to come hand in hand with economic success. Would the United States be as far as it is with out such injustices. Sadly the answer is no. It is necessary for people to find a balance between personal good and the collective good. In doing we can insure that oppression does not once again become a thing of life.