Honoring Our Veterans for Their Service

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Freedom isn't free. What does it mean? It means that people go to war for freedom. Sometimes they even die for freedom. Sometimes it divides a country. Sometimes it can destroy peoples lives forever. The cost of freedom can be priceless. In the Civil War, many people were killed. They were fighting for freedom, because the black people were being treated unfairly. In the 1950's, black people were still being treated unfairly. When they wanted …

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…are still being used improperly still today. Battles in courtrooms, schools and neighborhoods are hurting people. It's hard to realize that even today countries around the world continue to fight for any basic freedoms. Our country tries to be the peacekeeper but it sometimes doesn't work that great. Innocent lives are being taken everyday because some people just want to be powerful. If only freedom could be less costly and everyone could have this right.