Hong Kong Films - Who will go see them?

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And who will go see them? In 1992, Hong Kong films earned $160 million at the local box office; last year that take was nearly halved, to $85 million. And though Hong Kong remains the rare free-market region whose homemade films outgrow the Hollywood invaders, the locals' share has plummeted in four years from 80% to 54%. That has led to a slashing of the typical movie budget, from nearly $3 million to about $1.5 million. In such a stringent climate, producers …

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…menacing course of a Chow Yun-fat rifleblast, the tears coursing down Maggie Cheung's radiant face. Now the industry's makers and audience are on the move, away from the glorious past. We can hope many will stay, some return, still others emerge. We know for sure that Hong Kong movies will stay in one place: the fond and grateful memories of all those who have been enriched, enthralled, giddied by those grand images and beautiful people.