Homphrey Bogart comparison

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Humphrey Bogart Comparison During the golden age of Hollywood actors could play different roles very believably, opposed to today's modern actor who in many cases seems to not have the skills needed to perform a variety of roles. Humphrey Bogart was a wonderful actor who played a marriage of different characters. Two of his most famous characters come from the movies Casablanca (Rick) and Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Dobbs). Humphrey Bogart's characters display different …

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… Actors really knew how to act back in the day. Humphrey Bogart displayed some fine acting talent in portraying both characters. The way his characters treated others and their money really differentiated between the two. Dobbs and Rick were both played by the same person, and they both tried to look out for their own self interests. But those are the only similarities. Rick and Dobbs were as different as two men can be.