Homosexuality, Morality, and Human Rights

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
In today's society, there exists a myriad of issues which, when discussed, tend to raise the temperature of the citizens' proverbial blood. There are a handful of topics that always seem to escalate this temperature to the boiling point among individuals who earnestly participate in discussion, debate and argument. Some examples of such delicate subjects are the death penalty, abortion, and euthanasia. An issue that has in recent years, begun to command the intensity of …

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…a family, behave in an unnatural manner that offends the moral codes of society and that of God. To allow such a right would allow individuals to choose which rights they have, and which ones they do not, therefore undermining the idea behind protection of human rights. Protection provides shelter from discrimination and scrutiny for aspects in life we cannot change such as age, gender, and race. Homosexuality simply does not qualify for such protection.