Homework in Schools

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Is there to much homework in schools? In school today homework is a key tool of the learning process. Homework teaches students to gather information, solve problems, and learn material. My question is this. Are teachers abusing their right to give homework? Are the students getting to much homework? Being a student myself, I believe so. Teachers abuse the use of homework in several ways. One way in which this happens is that teachers use …

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…teach the material the homework is over before assigning it! In other words, stop giving so many problems over the same concept, and go in depth and explain how and why the problem works. That is how we learn. Not by staying up until 2:00 in the morning staring blankly at a book that expected to teach us. So unless school should go from 8:00a.m. to 10:00p.m. I suggest something be changed. Matthew Fritsche