Homer's View on 'Journey' Through 'The Odyssey'

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Although nothing is known about the ancient Greek poet Homer's life, his views on what a journey is is made clear throughout his works - namely The Odyssey. A journey for Homer is an expedition away from home through new terrains, both physical and metaphorical. In a journey, one is always learning and experiencing new cultures and foods. A journey always involves unexpected or unplanned circumstances. According to Homer, the destination is the most important …

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…presented here are all surmised from his story, The Odyssey, as he did not keep a diary expressing his views. Homer's idea of 'journey' is that it is a voyage away from everyday surroundings, where everything encountered is new and fascinating. It is to be expected that not everything will go to plan and physical or metaphorical obstacles will arise. Above all, a journey is about the destination and the events leading up to it.