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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
A person is defined as being homeless when he/she lacks a fixed nightime shelter. Therefore, we must rethink our views on whom we regard as homeless. On any given night 760,000 men, woman and children, have no control over where they sleep, eat or go to the bathroom, which are all vital daily human needs which we all appear to take for granted. Homelessness is certainly not defined by those living in boxes, under bridges …

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…the age of 45 and this percentage is unfortunately growing. With less income from work and more necessary expenditures such as medicine, countless elderly people have to make a choice between food, shelter and medication. Every human being has a primary and fundamental right to adequate food and shelter. Yet so many people in the world are deprived of this basic right, this right entitlement to a warm bed at night, in a place called home.