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Essay Database > Literature > English
On the last Sunday in November 1993, as the temperatures plummeted into the low 30s, a woman lay down on a bus bench in the nations capital covered only by an old blanket and the cloak of night. She was alone. She was homeless. When she lay down to sleep that cold night, she was anonymous. Today we know her name---Yetta Adams. She was 43 years old, the mother of 3 adult children (Jencks 98). Sometime during that night …

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…a grim reminder of Americas social and economic troubles. Deinstitutionalization, lack of affordable housing, and ineffective government intervention, as well as a general lowering of the standard of living, and personal choice, are all contributing factors to this American tragedy. Works Cited Bender, David! , and Bruno Leone. The Homeless Opposing Viewpoints.California: Grenhaven Press, 1996. Gorder, Cheryl. Homeless Without Addresses in America. Arizona: Blue Bird Publishing, 1988. Jencks, Christopher. The Homeless. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1994. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**