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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Stewart McKinney Act of 1987 defines a homeless person as Aone who lacks a fixed permanent nighttime residence, or whose nighttime residence is a temporary shelter, welfare hotel or any public or private place not designated as sleeping accommodations for human beings@ (583). Included in the homeless population are people who stay with friends or family for a short period of time and then decide to find shelter on the streets because of conflict with the
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head because of lack of work, mental disabilities, or lack of support and few people can recognize that these things are of no fault of the homeless individuals. The problem is not being properly addressed by enforcing strict policies such as arresting the homeless or not allowing them the necessities of life. We should realize that society, as a whole is to blame for the homelessness situation and refrain from placing the blame on individuals.
head because of lack of work, mental disabilities, or lack of support and few people can recognize that these things are of no fault of the homeless individuals. The problem is not being properly addressed by enforcing strict policies such as arresting the homeless or not allowing them the necessities of life. We should realize that society, as a whole is to blame for the homelessness situation and refrain from placing the blame on individuals.