Homeless Or Worthless?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Homeless or Worthless. The dictionary describes the word homeless as having no home or place of residence. It does not say, however, unable to get a job. Homeless people are just that, homeless. They are not physically disabled or mentally retarded. If, in a rare case, a homeless person is disabled in any way, he can still get a job at Wendy's, who has a great disability program. The government spends billions of dollars a …

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…the gumption to go out and get one. They use government money that can be spent on a much bigger problem than lazyness. They take the money that they mooch of of people and the government and use it to buy beer and drugs. This is not a good thing to be spending government money on. If we stop giving the homeless money, they will someday have to finally get up and earn it themselves.