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Essay Database > Literature > English
Homeland Homeland, by Barbara Kingsolver dramatizes the everyday lives of many different characters, spread around the United States. From Northern California, the urban Southwest, the hills of eastern Kentucky, the rural Midwest, and the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, these 12 stories tell tales of poverty, and the twin themes of family ties, and the life choices that one must ultimately make alone. The stories in Homeland all deal with the issue of poverty. All of …

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…are thrown together in a freak accident or a young girl who defends an older woman against bigots in a Southern town. In any case, it was clear that the author used strong influential language in order to make the reader feel what the characters were truly feeling and expressing; poverty, anger, hope, momentary joy, endurance, and in the end, the satisfaction in their lives. Works Cited Kingsolver, Barbara. Homeland. New York: Harper and Row, 1989.