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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Many kids in our society are being put on the streets. Lack of love within their family is lost and they must find heir own way to survive. In Homecoming, there are four kids left in the parking lot of a shopping center. All they were told was that they were to listen to their older sister, Dicey. Homecoming was written by Cynthia Voigt. It was published by Ballantine Books and was copyrighted in 1981, which …

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…wonder of what the outcome may be. I think it should cease publication (which has already been published) because the story should continue and explain to the readers how the children survived their trip to their mother. Overall, I think Homecoming is a great book to read because it is filled with lessons to learn and it is a heartbreaking story that makes me realize how some people have the benefit of what they have.